Saturday, November 27, 2010

in honour of a Little Possum

 Great to be 8!  Baptism Day - LP was very shiny all day :)

 Not bad considering that only one day earlier she'd been in hospital for dental surgery
quick recovery!

 Very self assured, LP made this picture and signed it in her best curly wurly handwriting because "you know Mum, this might be a famous painting one day!"
I hung it on the wall - it's the only thing to do when you have a future famous painting!

 oh la la!  It's French Day at school, so we had to dress up as chic as possible.
Makeshift beret made from an OR paperhat :)

 Lizard breath on Halloween

Tea party time.

Little Possum, you are my treasure, I love you and
 I am honoured to have been your Mum for these past 8 years!